
Correcting Astigmatism with Laser Eye Surgery

About one in three people have astigmatism, causing them to see blurry, and having to squint. Left untreated, astigmatism can cause headaches and leave you feeling tired and unfocused. Up until laser eye surgery became more popular, glasses or contacts were the only way to treat it. But now, most astigmatism can be treated and fixed with the help of a laser!

Astigmatism is a condition that occurs because the shape of the cornea is not perfectly rounded. Light entering the eye bends irregularly because of the shape and causes your vision to be blurry and out of focus. There is also irregular astigmatism caused by injury or eye disease, which unfortunately cannot be treated effectively with laser therapy at this time, but can benefit more from specialized contacts or glasses.

Correcting regular astigmatism with a laser is possible. Your doctor uses the laser to actually escape the cornea. This can change your mild to moderate astigmatism because after the procedure, light can enter the eye normally, causing your vision to be clear. Some people who might benefit from Laser surgery include:

  • Athletes who cannot wear glasses during events.
  • People working in physical labor positions that make wearing glasses difficult.
  • People who do not enjoy wearing glasses, or have trouble wearing glasses.
  • Contact wearers who would like to give up their contacts for good.

Having laser eye surgery can benefit you in so many ways – being able to get rid of your glasses or contacts can be a big relief, and being able to swim, run, and wake up in the morning seeing clearly can change how you feel for the better! If you’re thinking about Laser Eye Surgery to help correct your vision, give us a call to discuss all your options and learn if it is right for you!

Posted on March 10th, 2014


Eat These Foods for Healthy Eyes

Taking good care of your eyes with regular checkups to your eye doctor is a great way to ensure they are healthy. But just as you eat healthfully to take good care of your body, you can do the same for your eyes by giving them the right nutrients from the foods you eat. Below are some great choices to add to your diet and keep your eyes healthy for life!

Salmon, Flaxseed & Edamame

Eating these foods everyday can help you fight inflammation and speed up cell renewal keeping eyes young. Why? Because they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, the same fat known to help your brain and body age slower too!

Citrus, Strawberries & Bell Peppers

Getting these into your diet daily – or any food high in vitamin C can greatly slow down the aging process and keep your eyes healthy. Vitamin C also is known for its germ fighting abilities – and it does that for your eyes too! Germs entering through the eye are one of the easiest ways to get sick!

Seafood, Spinach & Beef

Having enough Zinc in your diet doesn’t just help ward off colds! It also helps protect your retina and keeps it working strong.

Spinach, Kale & Greens

Any green, leafy vegetables will benefit your eyes by delivering a strong dose of antioxidants that will keep your eyes young and strong. Antioxidants have been proven to slow aging, even preventing damage from outside sources like sun.


The benefits of getting enough water are endless! But it can benefit your eyes by keeping the cell turnover process strong and keep them hydrated, preventing dryness.


Of course no eye health list would be complete without carrots! Beta carotene is a well known part of eye health and including more in your diet can help improve eye health and even vision.

Getting all of these nutrients into your diet isn’t difficult, and there are a ton of more options you can add too! Combining a healthy lifestyle with these great foods will keep them healthy, stronger, and even keep your vision focused for life!

Posted on February 28th, 2014


Is Laser Eye Surgery Permanent

Laser eye surgery is quickly becoming a popular way to correct vision and help people get rid of their contacts and glasses. Lasers can correct near-sightedness, far-sightedness and astigmatism, and help you see things like you’ve never seen them before. But many people wonder – is laser eye surgery permanent? Will it keep my vision great my entire life?

What it is

Laser eye surgery corrects your vision by changing the way light enters your eye. When you can’t see properly it is often due to the shape of your cornea being irregular. Your doctor corrects this by removing a small amount of tissue around the cornea to give it a round shape. There is no downtime as with traditional eye surgeries, and there is no surgery involved – just having the laser pointed at your eye(s).


After the procedure you will see just as well or better than you ever did with glasses or contacts. Vision is corrected because the eye is the correct shape, allowing light to enter properly. Although this shape will be permanent – the tissue cannot grow back – some people still experience vision problems later in life. Why?

As we age, our eyes age and degenerate as well. On our faces we see wrinkles, we feel aches in our bodies more often – these are all signs of aging. But developing near vision loss is a regular part of aging and is not related to the condition that was affecting your eyes before surgery.

Laser eye surgery is permanent and can keep your eyes seeing great for years! Although it cannot protect your eyes from eventual vision loss due to age, it can change the shape of your eyes and the way you see until then. Taking steps to protect your vision like visiting your eye doctor and eating well can help ward off vision loss later on.

Posted on February 10th, 2014


Recovery from Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery recover is a time when you should be resting and taking it easy, but it doesn’t need to be scary. Typically after a good recovery, the results of the surgery start to benefit you and your vision becomes clear and sharp. Read on below to discover how recovery from cataract surgery goes, and how you can prepare yourself for it.

The Procedure

The actual surgery doesn’t take very long, typically about 10 minutes in total. The recovery right after will actually be longer, requiring you to rest at least 30 minutes in a post op room to recover from the anesthesia.

Be sure to have someone take you home after the surgery since getting home on your own will not be possible – vision will be affected and you will feel slight grogginess from the anesthesia. Your doctor will give you a pair of sunglasses to wear outside since your eyes will be sensitive to light. Your eyes will also have a protective shield to ensure they can heal properly.

Once home, you will probably want to lay down for a few hours minimum to recover. If your surgery was fairly uncomplicated, your doctor may tell you to remove the shield after only a few hours of rest. Be sure to follow your doctor’s instructions to allow your eyes to adjust to the surgery.

After you first remove the shield, your vision will not be proper. You may experience cloudy, blurry or distorted vision. This is normal, and will wear off after about an hour of using your eyes. Your eyes will probably also look red, another common side effect of the surgery – this will usually last a few days.

After a week of taking it easy, you can get back to light daily activities. There are things you should still avoid quite a few weeks after surgery, until your vision is completely clear.

  • Avoid heavy lifting for a few weeks
  • Avoid bending over the first few days to keep pressure off the eye
  • Avoid swimming or hot tubs the first week
  • Don’t rub your eyes

Of course also follow the advice of your doctor. Keep in mind that although you may not feel like you just had a major surgery because your body is not affected, you still need to rest to properly recover. Cataract surgery will leave you feeling amazing after recovery – just be sure to recover properly to get there!

Posted on January 30th, 2014


Relief for Dry Eyes with Omega 3

Omega 3 fatty acids have been found to have countless benefits for the body and brain, benefitting everything from your skin and hair to your minds ability to process as you age. Slowing down aging, wrinkles, and improving cell function are good enough reason to get your daily dose, but did you know that it can also help to relieve dry eyes?

Omega 3’s is a great way to get your eyes feeling good again. Here are some of the great benefits you can expect when you get your daily intake:

  • Relief from itchy eyes – getting rid of the feeling of always having to scratch your eyes.
  • Help to moisten the eyes to produce tears normally, keeping eyes at comfortably moist level
  • Anti-inflammatory properties help relieve puffiness associated with dry eye

There are a lot of ways to get omega 3s into your diet – here are some great sources:

  • Enriched Dairy
  • Edamame
  • Enriched eggs
  • Flaxseed
  • Canola Oil
  • Salmon

If you want extra assurance, or you just want to take supplement rather than adding those foods to your diet, there are ways to get your omega 3s without eating them. Supplements, like the PRN Dry Eye Omega Benefits, or Omega Essentials. These supplements can give you a boosted daily dose of omega 3 EPA/DHA – just 1 tsp of the Omega Essentials is equal to 2668 mgs of the oil. Getting this amount has been proven to help dry eye syndrome, and bringing relief to irritated eyes.

If you suffer from dry eye syndrome, consider adding more omega-3 fatty acids to your diet. Give us a call at Cornea Consultants of Arizona to discover the great benefits of omega 3s and how you can further help your dry eyes. You can get relief safely, naturally and healthfully for dry, red eyes!

Posted on January 10th, 2014


What Causes Dry Eyes?

There are millions of people all over the world who are suffering from dry eyes. The Cornea Consultants of Arizona treats dry eyes after performing a test that measures the amount of tears your eye produces. Although there are some causes of dry eyes that you cannot modify such as genetics and the normal aging process, there are also some behaviors that you can stay away from in order to minimize your chances of having dry eyes in Arizona.

Excessive use of contact lenses

Individuals who wear contact lenses very often have higher risks of developing dry eyes. The tear film is absorbed by contact lenses, promoting the evaporation of tears.

Environmental factors

Constant exposure to windy or dusty environments increase chances of having dry eyes. Also, dry eyes can be caused by regular use of air conditioners. Staying in an environemnt where there is low humidity causes an increase in the evaporation of moisture in the cornea. This is why a lot of people suffer from dry eyes during summer and winter. Pollution, cigarette smoking, and dust also contribute to dry eyes.

Certain medications

There are medications that can cause dry eyes such as antihistamines, pain relievers, oral contraceptives, and diuretics.

Extended hours of computer use

Facing the compute for extended hours can lead to dry eyes. If you may have noticed, you have a tendency to blink less when you face the computer for several hours.

Deficiency in vitamin A

A symptom of vitamin A deficiency is night blindness. When vitamin A deficiency is severe and is not corrected over a long period of time, it will not only cause dry eyes, but can also lead to irreversible blindness.

For more information on dry eyes, contact the Cornea Consultants of Arizona at 602-258-4321. Take good care of your eyes and your vision by setting up an appointment today and knowing how you can deal with dry eyes.

Posted on December 30th, 2013


When to Get a Cataract Surgery

Cataract is an eye condition that causes clouding of the lens which could greatly affect one’s vision. Normally, a person’s lens should be clear to allow the passage of light and see images clearly. Cataract is the reason why a person’s vision becomes blurry. A solution to that is a cataract surgery in Phoenix. While it may offer promising results, one still has a lot of things to consider before deciding to undergo a surgery.

No other treatment

Until now, there has been no eye medication that can prevent or reverse the formation of cataract. This is why the only treatment for this eye condition is the surgical removal of a person’s natural lens, which is cataract surgery. A person may address nearsightedness by wearing prescription glasses, but it does not treat the condition.

When to consider surgery

Simply because a cataract exists in a patient’s eyes does not mean that it should be removed right away. Some cataracts do not cause blurring of vision to a lot of people and do not even interfere with their daily activities. In these cases, it is unnecessary to undergo a cataract surgery.

Some individuals exhibit undesirable effects, though. Some patients could experience blurred vision which interferes with their reading, driving, and other hobbies. It is during this time that a patient may consider a cataract surgery.

When to remove cataract

It has been widely known that the lens may not be extracted from the eye safely unless it is already “ripe”. However, modern advancements have made it possible to remove the lens at any stage of its development. There are certain situations wherein it is safer to remove a cataract in its early stages; however, a patient shall not undergo cataract surgery if no blurring of vision is expected most of the times.

For more information about cataract surgery, contact Cornea Consultants of Arizona at 602-258-4321 and get accurate advice. 

Posted on December 15th, 2013


Important FAQ’s About LASIK Answered

A LASIK surgery in Arizona has given promising results to many patients in correcting vision over the years, yet because of misinformation or the lack thereof, many uncertainties have clouded the minds of many potential patients. Granting the benefit that may be given by this procedure, including the restoration of a 20/20 vision, people should be aware of the surgery itself.

Does LASIK hurt?

Before the start of the operation, anesthesia is administered in the eye using numbing drops, so the procedure is usually painless. The patient may only feel a little pressure but not anything that can cause discomfort. After a day or two, the patient may feel a scratchy feeling in the eye.

How long will it take?

The procedure is usually performed in an outpatient department so it should only take less than 10 minutes, although the patient may be advised to stay in the center for a couple of hours after the procedure.

Will both eyes be corrected?

Both eyes can usually be corrected on one sitting. LASIK surgery has already been proven safe that most surgeons and patients allow both eyes to be corrected all at the same day. Getting them corrected together will restore vision faster and is also helpful in achieving balanced vision especially when patient is wearing glasses or contact lenses.

Who are good candidates for LASIK?

The patient should be at least 18 years old or older and should have been prescribed for at least a year before the surgery. He or she should also be free from any diseases of the retina and the cornea. The patient should be aware and willing to face possible risks and complications brought by the surgery. Furthermore, it would be helpful if the patient is in good physical health.

If you have more queries about LASIK surgery, Dr. Jung T. Dao and his team of corneal doctors will be able to answer them. Give us a call at 602-258-4321 today. 

Posted on November 30th, 2013


Corneal Transplant: What Comes After

Taking good care of the eyes does not end after they have already been treated. An eye problem does not only end after a corneal transplant has been done. It is important that necessary post-surgical instructions are strictly followed. This is to ensure maximum recovery and the prevention of possible complications. Corneal transplant in Arizona will give you the ideal results once you take responsibility of ensuring proper eye care, too.

After the surgery

Usually, a corneal transplant is an outpatient procedure so patients will be able to go home right after the surgery. Immediately after the treatment, the patient may feel soreness in the eyes so he or she will be advised to wear an eye patch over the affected eye for over four days. Eye drops and other medications will also be prescribe and should be taken by the patient regularly.

Long-term outcomes

Your eyes will still adjust to the treatment they have received, so it is possible for one’s vision to feel worse for a few months. There will be blurring of the vision, which is completely normal. When healing is complete, the thread that was used in the surgery will be removed by then. Some patients may notice a partial restoration of their vision, but until then, they are required to wear prescription eyewear. Full recovery of the sight could take up to one year. Until then, the eyes should be properly taken care of.

Taking care of the eye

It is important not to rub the eyes. The patient will not be able to do strenuous activity throughout the first weeks after corneal transplant, too. The patient can already return to their jobs in two to three weeks time only if it does not involve physical activities.

Proper eye care is definitely important after a corneal transplant. To know more about how you can look after your eyes, give Dr. Robert H. Gross and his team of competent doctors a call at 602-258-4321.

Posted on November 15th, 2013


Eye Allergy Treatment Options

Having an awareness of the symptoms of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis is one thing, but knowing how to deal with it is another. It is important, in this situation, to follow doctors’ recommendations strictly to avoid any unwanted complications. Keep in mind that when it comes to the eyes, it is always better to be safe than sorry. So if you are one of the many patients who are seasonal candidates for an allergic reaction, you may find a useful tip or two in here, as long as you remember to always seek medical attention when the symptoms begin to appear.

  1. A cold compress or eyewash solutions containing tear substitutes applied onto the affected area can soothe irritated eyes
  2. Over the counter or prescription oral antihistamines are known to relieve the symptoms of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis
  3. Over the counter medicated eye drops are helpful because of their decongesting and anti-allergy properties that help alleviate the more severe symptoms of the condition
  4. Prescription anti-histamine eye drops are a more potent version of the OTC ones and are only used when needed to provide relief from seasonal allergic conjunctivitis
  5. Mast cell stabilizer eye drops are able to manage the allergic symptoms before they even begin, and are used as preventive therapy used to prevent the onset of the condition before the patient is even exposed to the allergens, as such, they need to be used more often, in anticipation of the allergy
  6. Combination eye drops are now available that are able to block the effect of the allergen while at the same time preventing the mast cells from releasing the allergy inducing chemicals in the body
  7. Corticosteroid eye drops are also available, but must be used with caution. Because of their general potency, they are only advised for use in severe cases of allergies.

To receive more information about seasonal allergic conjunctivitis treatments, please call 602-258-4321 to schedule a personal consultation with one of the experts at the Cornea Consultants of Arizona.

Posted on October 30th, 2013




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